Monday, January 30, 2023

I discovered........

that my budget and my appetite for reading were not on even footage...... What else is new, right? :-)  

I order and read as many books from the library on base as I can, but they don't have all the genres I like. It's hard to find some writers and it's a chore to return the books on time, because.... life. I start a book, get sidetracked by whatever is going on and leave it, so now I have a stack of probably8 novels, 4 coding and design, and one cross stitch book sitting on the shelf, and I read on my phone.  Even though I don't remember half the books I read as e-books and in my mind, there is nothing that compares to having a book in my hands, I read e-books, because they're handy, even if I don't plan on reading and I wouldn't have taken my book, if the opportunity shows up... they're right there, and I read.....

I scrounge Kindle Unlimited once a year for a month or 2 when it's affordable, and try as many "new to me" writers as I can possibly cram in to my day. But recently I found something else........ ARC's. 

These Advanced Readers' Copies only require that I read the book and leave a review/opinion on some websites for potential readers to find, something similar to being on a creative team for scrapbookkits. Anybody that knows me just a little bit, knows that I have a lot of those opinions, on a lot of things, so I combined my reading and my opinions and now I'm reading with a purpose (or possible addiction)....

My intention is to put most of my reviews here in the blog. Some as individual, and if I am able to read a series in its entirity, put a review out for the sum total of it.

 Sooooooo..... See you around?


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I discovered........

that my budget and my appetite for reading were not on even footage...... What else is new, right? :-)   I order and read as many books from...